Features of famous trademarks
Famous trademarks share common elements that all businesses can employ to make their brands more powerful.

How much does it cost to trademark my business name?
Do you need affordable services to trademark your business name? No hidden costs. We offer trademark registrations with transparent pricing. Find out how much it costs to trademark your business name.

Trademark or copyright my logo?
Find out if you should trademark or copyright your logo to get the best protection for your brand.

Can I get a domain name trademark?
Business owners often want to know if a domain name can be trademarked to protect their brands. Learn how to get a domain name trademark.

8 Tips for trademarking a phrase
8 tips to devise an unforgettable trademark phrase or slogan that can be registered as a trademark.

Can I Trademark my Name?
Find out how to trademark a personal name and create a strong brand name for your business.

Do I need to trademark my brand to sell on Amazon?
If you’re serious about selling on Amazon and building your brand reputation, here’s what you need to know to protect your brand.

Do I need a trademark for Amazon Brand Registry?
Amazon takes brand protection and authentication of goods seriously. The company offers great benefits to traders who have a registered trademark. Learn more.

Can you get a Coronavirus or Covid-19 trademark?
While the Covid-19 pandemic spelled disaster for many businesses, for some it spelled OPPORTUNITY. The question is, will their Covid-related trademark applications get approved?

I just want a trademark
Many business owners tell us, “I just want a trademark,” so that they can protect their brand and use the registered trademark symbol. Here’s how you can do that.

Trademarks and Keyword Bidding
Can you use trademarks in keyword bidding for digital advertising campaigns? Should you? Can competitors use your trademark? What do search engines allow and what can you do to protect your brand?

Can you use your brand name before it’s registered as a trademark?
Learn more about the pros and cons so that you can make an informed choice before you start using a new brand name.

What is a strong trademark?
Discover what is a strong trademark and how to create a brand that is highly distinctive to set your goods and services apart from the competition.

Trademark Opposition
What should you know about trademark oppositions and the trademark opposition process?

Trademark Infringement
Trademark owners need to guard against trademark infringement. Find out how to avoid and prevent it.

Should I register a logo as a trademark?
Find out the benefits of registering a trademark logo and how to create one to enjoy maximum trademark protection.

Can I trademark a slogan?
Learn how to trademark a slogan and how to ensure you get a successful trademark registration.

When is a trademark not registrable?
Discover what makes a trademark not registrable so you can avoid objections on your trademark application.

Trademark Protection? Why Register My Trademark?
Here are 5 reasons why you should register your trademark and protect it as a brand asset for your business.