We created this self-service Australian trademark filing site to make submitting your application for a trademark registration online quick, easy and cost-effective, but you don’t have to take our word for it.
These customer testimonials are evidence that Trademarks Online is the easiest way to protect your brand. Our simple 4-step process enables you to submit your application yourself, without needing the services of a lawyer.
“I highly recommend these services to anyone, the platform is extremely simple to use and their customer service is next level!”
“Fantastic platform to register for a Trademark and great support if required.”
“Excellent experience. Thank you so much for your help!”
“I asked God for amazing news today, & I received it here, with the words “easy fix” “cost you nothing”. #1 service & makes me feel confident now to register another logo or brand. Thank you, team.”
“The staff at Trademark Planet were incredibly helpful with providing ongoing communication about my applications. They were also contactable whenever I needed to talk to someone. If you’re looking for an affordable and easy way to lodge a Trademark application, I would thoroughly recommend Trademark Planet.”
“Easy to apply online. Excellent service. Highly recommended.
I had an issue with IP Australia & my trademark. Kristina & Alan were so incredibly helpful & we got the outcome I was hoping for.”
“Good morning New Zealand. Thanks for your reply and I must say WOW! your services are awesome. I say this because I have been registering in some countries and yours is by far the best and easiest way. Well noted with many thanks.”
“Thanks for the hassle free process and at lightning speed, perfect! ”