Registered Trademark Symbol

How to use the registered trademark symbol ® versus ™

When should I use ™ symbol? 

The ™ symbol can be used with your brand, even if you don’t have a registered trademark. It lets others see that you consider your brand to be a trademark for your business and could deter others from adopting a similar brand. 

Many businesses use the ™  symbol alongside their trademark before they’ve applied or  during the application process.

Where you have a brand that is difficult to register due to descriptiveness or non-distinctiveness, you can use the ™ symbol to convey your intention to use that mark as an identifier for the source of that product or service. If you use it consistently for a long time, the use of the ™ symbol may support your case that the trademark has become widely known as a distinctive trademark relating to your business.

The use of the ™ symbol also signifies that you take brand protection seriously. It could prevent competitors from using the same name.

However, to achieve the best trademark protection as early as possible, you should choose a trademark that is registrable and register it. Here are 5 reasons why you should register your trademark.

When should I use the ® symbol?

The ® is the symbol for a trademark that has been registered by the IP Office. You can only use the symbol after an application has been approved and registered.

When you register a trademark, you get exclusive rights to use that mark and to prevent other traders in your industry from using the same or any confusingly similar mark. 

You should bear in mind the restrictions on use of the ® symbol:

  • You can only use it for the goods and services for which you registered your trademark.

  • Your trademark registration is country-specific, so you can only use the ® symbol in the countries where you have registered your trademark.

If you intend to use your mark in countries where you have not registered it, you should use the ™ symbol across the board.

How do I type the ™ and ® symbols?

 On most computers you can use the following keyboard shortcuts: 

  • To create ™, type the letters TM and then hit space or enter.  

  • To create ®, type (R) and then hit space or enter. 


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